Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Many Uses of a Dishpan

I am been known to come up with some unique ways of storing and organizing things.  One of my favorites is the dishpan.  Basic dishpans are fairly inexpensive and come in a couple of colors.  They are easy to clean, stack, and label.  Best of all, easy for little hands to carry.  Before we moved,  I had several pans going up the side of the stairs full of shoes, hats, purses, etc.  Made perfect use of dead space.  Now I use the dishpans for art supplies and small toys.  The pans fit perfectly on the shelf at the end of the hall.  Whenever ZMan gets bored, I can give him a dishpan with an some art stuff.  I can usually get a good 30 minutes whenever he gets a dish pan.  I will be adding some dish pans with flash cards and other educational items soon.

What I currently have in the dishpans-
-Crayons, coloring book, blank paper
-Playdoh and a few accessories
-Markers and paper
-Stickers and paper
-Scissors and paper

1 comment:

  1. I use dishpans in my home daycare to store the toys in. Then the kids also use them at stylish hats as well! LOL
